Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Coffee, kilojoules & Calories

I always wondered when I was younger why there where so many diet books based on counting your kilojoules intake. I always thought 'Why count the kilojuiles of your food? If your that worried, why not eat a salad?'

As I have gotten older , though my own Behavioural Learning Theory,i hve learnt that it's not that simple to stay healthy as you get older.

Today, however, while at McAfee i found myself doing that exact thing; counting kilojoules. Usally I am not a coffee drinker but today I foound myself at mcaffee, in the line for coffee.

 I noticed that all of the coffees now come with their killojuile listing. I had never noticed this before and I belive that it effected my purchasing decision.

Usally I would purchase a full cream capacunio but with the listings, i noticed this had a higher kilojuile intake. I belive that this information effected my buyer behaviour. My Self image is that i am a fairly health concious individual and with this new information on the product, I wanted to purchase a product that went with my Self Image.

The coffee I ened up buying was more expensive but I found I was willing to pay more in oreder to matian my self image. With this purchase I belive that  the information provided allowed me to make amore informed purchasing decsion.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Mass Effect 3: Massive Purchase

Today I purchased the Collectors Edition of Mass Effect 3 for $129.00 on Xbox 360. My Awareness for ME3 came from the huge multimedia marketing campaign that inculed advertising on multiple platforms, including Social Media (Facebook), Television advertising and Advertorial Advertisements (Zoo, Mens Health). These advertisements were complemted by heavy media coverage on gaming websites such as IGN and

To say that the advertising campaign got my attention would be an understatement, as the constant  reinforcement of the the product was what eventually won my interest As the advertismnts were not always the same thing, I found I did not get bored or annoyed at them though Over Exposure.

 The advertisments where  in direct, such as atrailer before my selected video, to discrete, such a a banner in a JB HI FI. The use of a variety of advertismenst allowed ME3 to stay on my radar, without creating advertising wearout and causing me to resent the product all together.

Although the advertising was sucsussful in making me Aware and Interested in the product, they were not the driving force that led me to purchase the game. Having taken an intrest in the product I had done some research and found that the game was very story driven and that to recive the full benifit of ME3 I would need to have played Mass Effect  and Mass Effect 2.

Wanting to get the most out of my potential purchase, I picked up both ME and ME2 at a price of $40.00 for both. These two previous titles would serve as my Evaluation and Trial for my potential purchase of Mass Effect 3. So, as you are already aware, the trial of these two games lead to my eventual adoption of ME3.

The first two games were amazing and cemented my decision to purchase ME3. What has been demonstrated here is that a successfully advertisement campaign cannot only sell it's core product but it's complimentary products as well. this helped to establish Affect Refferal and Speed up my Adoption process of the product.